

Enough is enough. God is not pleased. If you haven’t seen the 10 minute video of a black man losing his life, in broad day light, while people stood around and watched….while he is handcuffed with his face on the ground, not resisting or posing any threat, and an officer kneels on his neck for 10 MINUTES while the life literally left his body…I dare you to watch it, the entire video, and see how it makes you feel.

Never have I ever been concerned for my safety around a police officer, or worried about the safety of my white father, mother, sister, cousins, or friends if they were to get pulled over…that is not the reality for black people in America. It’s called white privilege and if your skin is white you indeed are privileged whether you agree or not.

I pray for my husband when he leaves the house, my in-laws who I love dearly, my church family, my friends, my daughter and future children. Whether or not you know or love someone who is black shouldn’t matter – white people and certainly Christians need to start speaking out about racism and injustices like this one. This is only ONE example. There are plenty of other examples just in the past week alone. We cannot ignore it or be complacent because it doesn’t “affect us”. There is more than one pandemic we should be concerned about right now…and one of them is called Racism. Let’s be part of the cure, not silent carriers of the disease.
#justiceforfloyd #justiceforahmaud #blacklivesmatter

– Reposted with Nicole Ransom’s permission. See original post here.