COVID-19 Memo (Updated 3-26-2020)

Home / COVID-19 Memo (Updated 3-26-2020)


Thursday March 26, 2020

To: NCCI Church Family And Friends
From: Bishop H. Ransom Jr. – Sr. Pastor

Greetings from Bishop Ransom,

You are invited to our ‘Worship at Home’ service online.   This service is an opportunity for you to worship with your church family in the comfort and safety of your home during the travel restrictions caused by quarantine.  We hope that you can make it as it is a time for staying close to your church family, and to hear an encouraging word ‘live’ from your pastors.

The service will be held LIVE online on this Sunday at 10:00 AM.   You can attend the service on your computer, cell phone or electronic device.  Feel free to invite others to attend by sending them this memo if you like.

We will be using an app called ‘Zoom Meetings’ for the service.  In order to participate you will need to go to the website link below, -OR- you can download the app for your Android or IOS (iPhone) in the app store.  Whether you download the app or use the website Zoom is free for you to use.

The app will allow you to use video and audio for the bible class. (You can see everyone, and they can also see and hear you).  You can also call into the meeting using your phone for audio only if you are not available for video.   You do NOT have to register with the app in order to participate in the meeting.  Just use the sign in information below to join.

The worship service will last about one hour.  I hope you can make it, and look forward to seeing you soon!

Shalom! and Be Well!

Bishop H. Ransom Jr

New Covenant Church Intl.

Friday March 20, 2020

To: All NCCI Members, Supporters, And Partners
From: Bishop H. Ransom Jr. – Sr. Pastor

Greetings NCCI Church Family,

I pray that this memo finds you in good health and spirits during this difficult period.

I just wanted to give you an update on what is happening at NCCI during this time of limited travel
and self-quarantine, to encourage you, and to tell you again not to panic or become fearful, but to
take this seriously by doing what you can to stay healthy.

It is very possible that the entire nation may soon be placed on mandatory lockdown, so I want to
tell you what we are doing now, and will do in the now likely event that this happens.

There will not be a service on this Sunday, March 22. If we were to have an online service it
would require that the technical team would have to come out to assist me, and I want everyone to
follow the instructions of our Governor and to limit travel and meetings.

I will be setting up ‘live at home’ Bible Studies periodically. The first one will be NEXT SUNDAY,
March 29, at 10:00 AM. This will allow us to interact with each other online, and have a chance to
share a word with you, and hear how you and yours are faring. I will give you instructions on how
you can participate in these online meetings in the coming days.

If any of you need assistance during this time, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I am especially concerned that you have food, and other basics during this crisis. Your church family stands with you and will do whatever we can to help you through this.

Finally, as your pastor know that I have been preparing you for times like these for years. As I said
the other day, most of you have heard enough ‘Word’ to sustain you for life. We have also invested in new technologies that give us the ability to have virtual services and to communicate in times like this.

I urge you to pray daily and continue to read the Word. Be encouraged knowing that you are a
child of God, and as the song says; ‘God will take care of you’. Pastor Dorese and I are in constant
prayer for you, your family, our nation, and the world at large. We are well, but miss you all dearly.
The Lord Bless and Keep You!

Bishop HR