At New Covenant Church International, we welcome all individuals seeking to grow their relationship with Christ to attend church services whether gathering in-person or online. We ask all attendees to observe a few basic rules to help ensure the atmosphere remains focused on Christ at all times.


  • Respect fellow church attendees.
    These are your brothers and sisters in Christ. Treat them how you would like to be treated.
  • Keep movement and disruptions to a minimum during service.
    Limit the number of times you must enter and exit the sanctuary and the facility. If you must enter or exit during service, please keep the noise at a minimum.
  • Avoid excessive talking/outbursts during service.
    As a Spirit-filled church, we encourage you to participate in service by singing, dancing, clapping your hands, and joining in the occasional “Amen”, “Preach Pastor”, and related comments. However, excessive talking and outbursts can be disruptive to the service. Be respectful of the speaker and fellow attendees.
  • Use the outside aisles only.
    The center aisle of the sanctuary is to be kept clear for live video streaming and emergencies only.
  • Respect the church facility.
    Church facilities are shared by everyone. Please be courteous to others and clean up after yourself in restrooms and common areas.
  • Dress appropriately for service.
    Whether you choose to dress in semi-formal or casual wear, we want you to be comfortable for service and respectful of those around you. Avoid attire that includes disrespectful language or imagery. Avoid attire that is overly revealing. 

We hope it never comes to this, but failure to adhere to these rules may result in you being asked to leave and/or refrain from attending future services. Thank you for respecting God’s house and we hope to see you in our next service!